Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Mentor

Ever since I was little I had a special connection with my Grandma (Julia Kuhn).  She was the one that has inspired me to sew, cook, crochet and all the things I find myself doing and enjoying.
She was a wonderful cook, and had her own catering business in her younger years.  She made clothes for all of us sisters.  We would go to Fashion Fabrics or the Yardstick, and pick out fabric which she would whip into beautiful dresses with her Singer Sewing Machine.  I was always so impressed with what she could do.  When we would visit her she was always crocheting another afghan.  She made one for everyone of her grandchildren (at least 28). 
Christmas time was a wonderful memory.  Cookies Galore . .   she made so may varieties she was amazing, she rarely used a recipe. 
Grandma had arthritis in her knees, but that didn't stop her for doing things that needed to be done.  Something I find myself doing is when I wipe down the floors I can do it just like her . . bending down without bending my knees.  I remember her having beautiful nails, always polished and manicured.  Grandma had a wonderful sense of humor. . . she loved to laugh and always fun to be around.  She loved to listen to Opera and
Classical music, and traveled with our family on many road trips.  It was always so much fun. 
These are just a few things I remember . .. . SHE WAS MY MENTOR!!

Monday, March 26, 2012


I signed up for a Mystery Quilt Workshop a couple of weeks ago.  They told you what supplies to bring and how to cut your fabric . . but you did not know what it would look like.  So I cut forty 10" squares of black and cut my 20 fat quarter into forty 10" squares and five 1 1/2 " strips.
Then we started sewing at 10:00 am Saturday morning

Then she wanted to have us chain piece . .  like this

It was pretty cool because all the blocks were connected.

Then you started to sew the rows together.

I was able to finish 2 of 4 sections on Saturday.  Before I knew it  I looked at my watch and it was 5:00 pm. 

So before going home I had to stretch my legs.

I woke yesterday, Sunday, and was determined to get her done!!  So I DID!!!  I put four sections together and added a stop border and then started sewing up the piano keys for the final border . . . . 

And around 6:00 pm on Sunday . . . TA DA . . . I finished .

It was quite an accomplishment for me.  I had a fun time . . . seeing it develop. My instructor's quilt looked like this .

It will be fun to see how everyone's turned out . . . .

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Birthday Party

 We had a blast celebrating my birthday.  Jessica made this wonderful cake, a Blotekake (strawberries, pineapple and whipped cream).  We went out to dinner and had a great meal at the Asian Star and then back home to open presents.  A fun day to remember!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another Year and Still Kickin!!

Well I survived another birthday . . .  not too bad . . .
I woke up this morning to a beautiful day, bright blue skies and the ground covered with snow.
This has to be a big reason why I love living in Park City.  I couldn't stand being inside for another minute.  So I jumped in the car and took a little drive around the neighborhood. This is what I came across. . . after I got home I was in a WONDERFUL MOOD!!  I grabbed Tim and Kyle and we ventured to Heber City for breakfast  .  . notice the Timpanogas Mountain Range at it's best. 

What a WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL morning!!!


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