Thursday, December 26, 2013

Taking a Stroll with Ellie

Kristian made sure that his Ellie was all bundled up.
It was cold outside, but the snow was melting and it was very slushy.
So Ellie had her snow boots, warm mittens and her
little Viking beanie.

 Off we went, walking down Pheasant Way, to deliver
Christmas presents and get the mail. 

 Ellie wanted to totally be on her own.  She lead the way.


We got our exercise and a lot of sunshine.  It felt good to have
some cool fresh air.

Annual Blockhead Christmas Party - 2013

For the past several years our quilting group, The Blockheads, get together
for a holiday celebration.  This year PJ opened up her home for our party.
Unfortunately, Lynn, Nancy and Karla were unable to attend.  It wasn't the
same without them.  But . . . we still managed to have a lot of fun.

Peggy brought a beautiful centerpiece for the table. 
Our favorite person, Charlene, was able to come.  We were all
so happy to have her with us. 

We all love each other, we always have a great time together.
 We celebrated Miki's birthday too.

 PJ had a birthday too. 
 Toni made this adorable OWL for her granddaughter.
It is always fun to see what has been made between
 our monthly get-togethers.
Charlene was the BIG WINNER.  She won all the fat quarters
we all brought to play Left-Right and Center.

Christmas Cookie Bake - 2013

For over 35 years I have made Christmas Cookies, but this year was the
first year I made them with my favorite girls.  We had so much fun.  Tracy let us
come into her kitchen and go to work.
Jessie, Tawnya, Ellie and Tracy and myself had a blast with
 cookie dough and frosting.  Ellie surprised us with her expertise.
These are the cookies she decorated.

With so much help we got a lot accomplished.

It was a fun night and something I would like to do every year now.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving this year . . we were all together.

I love how our family is expanding.  As Jessie said, there are as many females as there are males now.  I Love that . . .up until now I have been totally out numbered.  
Tawnya, Jessica's sister came up, which is always a treat.  She has such a great personality, and really adds to the fun.  She was our main photographer and did a great job.
Kristian, Tracy and Ellie

Timmy and Jessica

We thought it would be a good idea to take pictures before we stuffed ourselves with turkey.

The meal was delicious.  Tim was our main chief, but everyone brought their special dish.
It is always amazing to see how the food disappears after of hours of preparation.
Then there was a knock on the door . . and it was the Curry's!!.  We haven't been together for many years and there they all were.  Debbie and Ray from Portland, Chad from Arizona., Erica from Colorado and Jessie, Mike and their darlings from Midway.

It is always fun to be together.  Here are some more pictures of the evening.


Ellie had some fun with her cousins, Kye and Mya. 

A wonderful Thanksgiving to remember.


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Tracy's Baby Shower

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